2016 Blog Summary

I published 10 blogs in 2016, based on my research for my ancestors. Here is a review of each blog and the stories researched, and sources of information that were invaluable to me. Have a look, and click on the title of those that take your interest, or that you have missed during the year.

December – Searching for William

This is the story of William Nash that has survived in my family history for 3 generations; one I can remember from being a small boy. When I started my research into the family back in 1990 it continued to intrigue me.

What happened to William?

What happened to William’s wife and son?

November – The Lopsided Barge

How did my ancestor Edward PARKER move from Prickwillow in Cambridgeshire to Colchester in Essex?

From a malster to a mariner?

My professional talk ‘The Lopsided Barge’ explains this incredible journey…

October – The cigar maker and the Hungarian-American Photographer 2

In my October 2015 Blog I detailed the life and times of my cigar maker ancestor James Baker MORRIS and his trip to the USA. So how might you discover details about your ancestors who left the UK?

September – The Railway Man 2

The UK railway is the oldest in the world with the first public railway opening in 1825. With a huge workforce it is likely you will have a number of ancestors involved with the railway in your family tree. What records exist and how can you find them?

July – I come from a land down under

The first fleet arrived in Sydney in 1788, since then we have had a fascination with ‘The land down under’ Australia. Many of us can claim ancestors from Australia, or find ancestors that travelled to Australia. Over 1.5 million poms’ travelled to Australia before 1900, and many hundreds of thousands more followed in the 20th Century as ´£10 poms’. How do you go about tracking your ancestors?

June – The Malster

Reviewing my June 2015 Blog ‘Malster to Mariner’ got me thinking about the trade of Malster. Edward (my 1st cousin three times removed) who featured in the 2015 Blog and his father (my 2nd great grand uncle) on the 1861 Census are listed as Malsters; these were usually Agricultural Labourers (Ag Labs). What more could you find out about your ‘Ag Labs’?

May – Hands-on in the archives 2

Reading back through my May 2015 Blog; Hands-on in the archives I discuss using Cambridgeshire Archives and the wealth of archive material suitable for your Family History. Cambridgeshire Archives has been through some consultations over the last year so here is an update to my material.

There has never been a more crucial time to get out and use your archives – a lack of visitors puts them at further risk.

April – Making more use of the Census

Pre 1841 UK Census returns.

What? Pre 1841 I hear you cry, has Robert lost his common sense. Surely as a genealogist he knows the first useful UK Census is 1841 as it lists names for the first time! Well, bear with me because; No… I haven’t lost my senses…

March – Preserving documents and family heirlooms

The preservation of family history records is vital for future generations, and thinking about this now whilst you are researching your ancestors is exactly the right time. This should be a high priority on your list of things to do…

February – The UK Census

The UK Census is perhaps the most important source for research along with birth, marriage and death records. Find out more about this important resource…


I hope you have enjoyed this years series of 10 blogs. Continue to follow me with my newsletter (register here) for further updates, which of course contains many FREE Top Tips for researching your family history.

A summary of my 2015 Blogs is available here.

Robert Parker is a professional and qualified Genealogist and Trainer, based in Cambridgeshire. He delivers talks, guidance, courses and research services for those interested in tracing their ancestors. See www.myfamilygenealogy.co.uk for further details. Contact Robert to discuss your requirements without obligation.

What stories could your ancestors tell?