St. Neots Bowmen is a target archery club with a picturesque shooting ground near St. Neots, Cambridgeshire and our own indoor range at Alconbury Weald near Huntingdon.
A Timebank is a way for people to share their knowledge and skills with their community and be rewarded for it – with time. For every one hour you volunteer you can claim back the same amount.
We welcome everyone, no matter their age or ability - all you need is an interest in photography, whether that be prints or digital. We welcome visitors to any of our meetings.
We have guest artists most weeks with the last Tuesday of each month reserved for a Round the Room night when anyone is welcome to come and play, sing or just listen.
We train in Traditional Shotokan Karate and our club was originally established in St. Neots in 1981 by Sensei Balfor, Sensei Mc Nelly and Sensei Coppen. This makes it one of the longest running clubs in the region.
We are members of the British Dragon Boat Association. We are active competitors in the national league, and compete all over the country and several of our paddlers have represented Great Britain in various age groups at international events
We are a thriving club of over 30 members ranging in ages from 11 upwards. We currently model in N 00 and 0 gauges but also encourage members to bring their own work if they wish Good facilities make it a sociable evening with regular running nights.
The St Neots Table Tennis Centre was built in 1976 and during 2009 it underwent an extensive refurbishment financed by a grant from Sport England through the auspices of the English Table Tennis Association.
Are you thinking of buying a Telescope? Whether you are a complete beginner or a seasoned veteran St Neots Astronomy Association has something to offer you. We are a small but friendly club who is always looking to welcome new members.
Welcome to St Neots Golf Club. With its modern and forward thinking approach, the mature 18 hole parkland course is situated at the junction of the Rivers Kym and Ouse combining both water and charming features in a harmonious and natural way.
We are an active, motivated club, of long-standing in the vicinity of St Neots. At Longsands College we use a brand-new latest generation astroturf pitch with great amenities.
St Neots Rugby Football Club is a non-profit organization whose mission is to participate in and promote the sport of rugby at all age levels within the St Neots area. This includes Mini/ Midi (U7-U12), Youth (U13-U17), Seniors (18+), Vets (35+) and Ladies.
Vamps stage a popular musical or a variety show based on a theme attracting audiences of up to 300 people every night. We are an enthusiastic community theatre company, whose members are drawn from the towns and villages surrounding St Neots.
We are a local Petanque league playing on Wednesday evenings at various public houses in the Cambridgeshire town of St Neots and surrounding area. Petanque (sometimes known as French Boule) is thriving around here with some pubs fielding teams in three different local leagues.
NiceTri Club members participate and compete at all levels from novice to GB representation, over distances from the 'super-sprint' to 'Ironman distance'.
wans is the Swimming Club of St Neots, not only are we a competitive club based at St Neots Swimming Pool but we deliver first class swimming lessons from Parent and Child through to pre-competitive.
Riverside Runners senior section caters for all levels of runner: beginner, experienced runners, social runners and competitive runners, both men and ladies, and all ages from 16 upwards.
Established in 1920, St Neots Tennis Club lies at the end of a quiet cul-de-sac on the east bank of the River Great Ouse, close to the centre of this historic Cambridgeshire town.
St Neots Model Flying Club, in Cambridgeshire, was formed in about 1990. It is mainly a sport flying club, and we fly a variety of model type and sizes and mainly by Radio Control.