Howard Road retail park gets green light!

The St Neots economy has received a big shot in the arm thanks to the HDC approval of plans for partial redevelopment of the Eaton Socon Howard Road Industrial estate into a retail park

The improved economy, and interest from big names Aldi, B&M Bargains and Pets at Home has spurred the green light from the planning department for property developers Quora Ltd to push ahead as soon as May.

The site, which has been empty for five years will also gain four starter units, something which St Neots has a shortage of, and which it is hoped will attract even more new businesses to the town.  The development is anticipated to be complete toward the end of 2015.

The application garnered significant local support with up to 200 new jobs expected.

Councillor Roger Harrison, said: “I’m thrilled that Quora are investing in Eaton Socon, as 200 new jobs are a significant benefit for local people in hard economic times. This is just what the area needs.”

Eaton Socon councillor Derek Giles, said: “I’m looking forward to an added selection of local facilities for the area – this will be good competition for the Tesco at Eynesbury. I hope to work with the retailers in the future to promote our community.”

Local St Mary’s Church vicar Rev Timothy Robb, said: “I am delighted the plans have been approved. This will mean a lot to the local community both in terms of jobs and shopping choice. We hope to be working closely with Quora on local initiatives in the near future.”

Quora director, Ben Ellis, added: “We are extremely pleased with the news, as are our tenants Aldi, Pets at Home and B&M who are all looking forward to coming to Eaton Socon.

“We would like to thank all members of the local community who have supported us during the planning application process. We would also like to thank the local businesses that have been in touch expressing interest in the business units. If any business is interested I would urge you to contact us again.”

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