
Welcome to Admiral Taxis.

Transport for London say “After a night out it’s tempting to jump in the first ‘minicab’ you see, but without a booking there’s no record of your journey or driver, and you could be putting yourself in danger.” We could not put it better.

Put yourself in safe professional hands; follow these simple steps:

  1. Book your taxi ride in advance by calling us on 07843 020 764.
  2. When your driver arrives, be sure it is the driver from Admiral Taxis. If you have a doubt, please ask to see acceptable identification. If still in doubt, please call us.

If you have any concerns, or have a question and you have time to deal with it by email, please contact us via the website.

Admiral taxis, St Neots contact info

  • 07843 020 764 OR 07712 350 939
Contact OurStNeots

We're not around right now. But you can send us an email and we'll get back to you, asap.