
Riverside Runners senior section caters for all levels of runner: beginner, experienced runners, social runners and competitive runners, both men and ladies, and all ages from 16 upwards.

The Monday general session can cater especially for beginner ladies who prefer to start their running in the company of other ladies. Our experienced lady runners and club coaches will ensure your safe accompaniment during your early running days.

The Thursday general session is designed for all running abilities.Two experienced runners are assigned to run at the rear to accompany slower and newer runners. During the summer months, on the second Thursday in the month, our training session leaves Little Paxton Nature Reserve car park when we run a variety of routes around the pits.

Long runs take place on Sundays and are generally around 11-13 miles. During periods of marathon training, the distances for those involved will often be longer.

Social Meetings
We hold meetings on the first Thursday of each month at 8.00 pm at the Rowing Club, St Neots. This is a friendly and informal occasion where runners can catch up with news of both running and social events.

There are a number of social activities throughout the year including a summer barbecue, rounders match, club quiz and the annual Presentation Dance held in January.

Club Championship
The club championships form a key part of the club calendar. Extending over the whole year, it involves taking part in a variety of road and cross-country races. In addition to the club championship, we award a number of other club trophies at the Presentation Dance.

Other Activities
The club participates in a variety of running activities. We have organised or participated in nearly every branch of running, cross-country, triathlons, long distance footpath running, fell running, hash runs and orienteering. Once a month on a summer evenings we have social runs which follow a footpath route starting and finishing at a country pub.

We participate in the Round Norfolk Relay which takes place in September. We fielded two teams in the last event.

The club has an active Junior section for runners between the ages of 8 and 16.

Riverside runners club, St Neots contact info
