Clubs, Community, Hobbies

We hope you will visit us soon on one of our evenings. The Club has been running for 45 years and now meets at The Priory Centre, St Neots PE19 2BH. See the location map below. Evenings usually begin around 8.00pm. and finish at 10.30pm

We have guest artists most weeks with the last Tuesday of each month reserved for a Round the Room night when anyone is welcome to come and play, sing or just listen. Entry is £2 for all on these evenings. Our guest night admission is usually £8.00 for non-members and £7.00 for members unless advertised otherwise. Membership of the Club is £15 for one year from the time of joining. Occasionally there are Open Stage nights when performers wishing to show their talents can book a spot of about 20 minutes.

We also run the St Neots Festival of Music Song and Dance –

St Neots Folk Club

  • 01234 376278