St Neots Regional Table Tennis Centre
The Centre was built in 1976 and during 2009 it underwent an extensive refurbishment financed by a grant from Sport England through the auspices of the English Table Tennis Association.
It is one of the biggest purpose built table tennis centres in the country and it can comfortably accommodate 36 players playing on nine tables for training purposes, five tables for league matches and four tables for county matches.
The Centre has a number of UKCC Qualified Coaches and Assessors.
The Centre now has excellent facilities comprising the main hall plus new changing and shower facilities for men, women and the disabled. A comfortable lounge with viewing window and servery area has also been provided. It is now among the best venues of its type in the country. More recently the Centre has purchased five Joola Tables used at the English Open Championships 2009.
Car parking is available at the rear of the premises with parking for “Disabled Badge Holders” at the entrance.
We are very ambitious to be regarded an established club which can cater for a wide variety of events.