
A Timebank is a way for people to share their knowledge and skills with their community and be rewarded for it – with time. For every one hour you volunteer you can claim back the same amount. We call them credits – and you can save them up for those jobs you can’t manage or don’t have the skills or time for. It’s as easy as that.

Join us every Monday at the Tesco community room, 7:30pm.

As a voluntarily group why do we need financial help?

The donations and grants we receive cover general administration costs such as paper and printing, postage and promotional materials. Our database, IT and the security associated with it, hosting and domain has yearly costs too, but most importantly we need insurance to cover our members. We also use our grants to cover the cost of hiring venues, supplying refreshments for events and coffee mornings, this all adds up.

Without the support and donations from our supporters we could not provide the service that the community in St Neots and surrounding areas needs so we thank them for their kindness and continued help.

St Neots timebank contact info

  • Tesco Community Room
  • 01480 404184