Talk: Finding Your Ancestors on

Talk: Finding Your Ancestors on


Do you have trouble finding your ancestors on (the biggest subscription family history website)?

With billions of records waiting to be discovered sometimes in your search you generate hundreds of thousands of results; which one is your ancestor (particularly if you have a common surname)?

Discover the secrets to finding your ancestors on; an interactive webinar or talk with professional genealogist Robert Parker.

  • The interactive webinar consists of a 45 minute presentation followed by a 45 minute facilitated group discussion
  • The talk consists of a 45-60 minute presentation followed by a question and answer session.


Individuals should bring the questions and queries they have to the session.

For planned sessions please view my talks page here

Check out for my 5 steps to discovering your ancestors.

Searching Online

When searching online, structure the question you have in really specific terms. Search engines will only return the results generated by your initial search terms; they can’t second guess you! Furthermore they will search through hundreds of thousands if not millions or even billions of websites for your search terms, returning the results in tenths of a second.

  • Are you looking for a particular person or family?
  • Are you looking for a particular record collection?
  • Are you looking for a particular ancestor in a certain place in the world?
  • Or are you trying to figure out how to upload your family tree to a secure website?


Thinking carefully about what you want to search for (and what you don’t want to search for) and what results you want to look through will really help you to discover your ancestors.

For further tips check out these blogs:

  • Electronic Family History
  • Electronic Family History 2

Ancestry Membership

With membership, you can search well over 24 billion records from 80 countries, depending upon your subscription. You can also view over 100 million public family trees. These have been created by other members of and other Ancestry sites around the world. You never know you might find your ancestors in another persons family tree, saving you time and money in further research.

You could view hints (the famous shaking leaves) for your tree. These may appear by one or more of your ancestors and hint at records that may mention the people you are interested in.

You can message others on You may message the owner of a particular family tree, or others that have useful information or advise for you.

A common ancestor hint may pop up. This is when someone in your family tree matches an ancestor in another family tree. You’ll be able to see surnames and birth locations in the other family tree. You have to have taken an AncestryDNA test for this to occur.

For further information and advise book onto my webinar or talk…



Find out more in my webinar or talk

Following an Introduction, which includes:

  • subscriptions
  • 15 Top online research tips
  • Why use ?

Robert will discuss the following:

  • Finding your ancestors records on
  • Searching; the basics
  • How to Search
  • Searching with Wild Cards
  • Overcoming brick-walls (Blocks) in your research
  • Using the Card Catalogue
  • Searching with Soundex
  • Correcting a Record
  • The Ancestry Shoebox
  • Free Charts and Forms

Links will provided to further online help that participants can follow after the session.

PLEASE NOTE: DNA testing or discussion of results is NOT included.

View all my talks, their content and book me


Photo by Julia Freeman-Woolpert,


Robert Parker is a Genealogist and Trainer, based in Kent. He delivers courses, guidance, talks and research services for those interested in tracing their ancestors. See for his 5 steps to discovering your ancestors. Contact Robert to discuss your requirements without obligation.

What stories could your ancestors tell?

The post Talk: Finding Your Ancestors on appeared first on My Family Genealogy.