The club is now incorporated
At the AGM on Monday November 26th, the members present voted unanimously to transfer all assets of St. Neots Bowmen to a newly formed company limited by guarantee called “St. Neots Bowmen Archery Club Limited”, and to adopt the company’s proposed Articles of Association (replacing the Club Constitution). This is called “incorporating the club”, and it means that the club is now a separate legal person from the members or the committee. Many other clubs have done this before us, it serves primarily to reduce the financial liability of members and officers in case something goes wrong (hence the “limited liability company”).
For the members, nothing much changes on a day-to-day basis. We will continue to shoot as we’ve done before, and the club is still run by the committee, a group of volunteer members endorsed by the AGM. Committee meetings are shown in the calendar, and all members are invited to attend and participate in discussions.
What this does mean is that all current members of the archery club (“St. Neots Bowmen”) will need to officially become members of the company (“St. Neots Bowmen Archery Club Limited”). For those of you who will be coming to the indoor range at Alconbury, I will put a “Member Register” on the main table. All you need to do to become a member of the company is to put your name down and sign. I will shortly also be sending out an email about the incorporation, with instructions on how to send in your membership confirmation via email. You can contact me via “secretary at stneotsbowmen dot club” if you have questions around the incorporation.
At the AGM the members endorsed a committee consisting of: Dan Wischhusen (chairman), Marc Bax (secretary), Adam Taylor (treasurer), Andy Blake (records officer), Sarah Cox (child protection officer), Roy Buck (equipment officer), Sunil Kalra and Stacey Taylor. You can reach the full committee via “committee at stneotsbowmen dot club”. For individual contact details see the “Contact & GDPR” page.
A special thank-you goes to Phil Sargeant, who stepped down as treasurer after more than 10 years in the role. We do sincerely hope to see Phil back on the shooting line sometime soon!